Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

What is a Feed/RSS Feed?

Every fast changing website has a Feed. There are sites which do not offer feeds. Feed is also known as RSS feed, Syndicated content, Web feed, XML feed.
Feed can be defined as the data provided to the users as and when a particular website gets updated. In order to receive the feed, you need to subscribe to one. Feed is the easiest way to get updates for the website of your choice. Many people use feed to get the latest news.

Eg:- The best example of feed can be seen in Facebook. The name used here is "News Feed". You see the latest updates from your friends here. It is displayed on the left top under your profile picture.

Why Feed? What is the use of Feed?
1. Feed is to get update:
Feed is used for getting the latest updates from your favourite blogs, news, updates about any niche topics and much more.

2. Podcasting:
Feed can be used to listen to music and watch videos from your favourite sites like YouTube. MP3 format is the best supported one on a podcasting for listening to your favourite music.

3. Get traffic to your site:
Feeds can get traffic to your site. Feed is a mode of publicising your blog/website.

4. Information transfer to the Internet:
Using feed you can make your information out to the public on the Internet. It is more of making your contents reachable to others on the Internet. Say what you feel to the N number of other sites at one shot.

5. Easy unsubscribe option:
To unsubscribe from the feed, you need not send a request to the owner of the blog/site. Removing the feed from their aggregator is just a simple step.

6. Self tracking:
You can track the contents of your own blogs easily from one interface. It avoids the inconvenience of going to your individual blogs to know what you have posted or updated.

When subscribing to a feed, the interested users are not giving away any of their data/identity like E-Mail address to the blog owner or anyone. There is less chances of virus, spaming, data identity thefts and hacking.

How do you know whether a site offers Feed or not?
This is easy. You can search for the Feed icon on the site. The icon looks like this

Just click on the icon and subscribe to the feed. Easily done.
To view the feeds, you need a Feed reader or RSS reader. This is a software used to read the feed. It is also called as Aggregator. 

Would love for some feedback and suggestions:)


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